Spoken Words and Scheming Silence

Breaking the Silence

The Poetry of Politics

The Politics of Rape

5 thoughts on “Spoken Words and Scheming Silence

  1. Strong images to stir indifference or apathy, our senses are on overload with war and climate disasters. So much to draw our concern it is hard to prioritize. I pray for courage, to live the serenity prayer, and pray for wisdom to know the difference.

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    • Thank you, my friend for your comment. We’ve been on overload and it’s not going to stop. In a world where many feel like Carrie Fischer (?) in The Exorcsist, only you, only I, can choose the space to keep our heads on straight. Without courage and prayers for wisdom, our heads spin while paralysis creeps in where conscience once had legs. Again, thank you for your thoughtful reflection. You are not alone.


  2. Wow! These are the words we need to hear – to face squarely the realities of the criminal in our midst. The word “rape” stirs our souls in fear and loathing for the act and whomever would perpetrate it. It is the world we have been thrown into, while in effect, we are being led to believe that we wanted it.


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